Below are some things that Our Watch suggest you can do to help prevent this violence:

  • Challenge attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, systems, and practices that justify, excuse, trivialise, or downplay violence against women and their children, or shift blame from the perpetrator to the victim.
  • Challenge men’s use of controlling behaviours in relationships and the subtle normalisation of male dominance in relationships.
  • Promote social and cultural networks and connections between women to provide sources of peer support.
  • Support women’s collective advocacy and social movement activism to prevent violence and promote gender equality.
  • Encourage and support children, young people, and adults to reject rigid gender roles and develop positive personal identities that are not constrained by gender stereotypes.
  • Challenge aggressive, entitled, and dominant constructions of masculinity and subordinate or sexualised constructions of femininity.
  • Promote and support gender-equitable domestic and parenting practices, including through workplace initiatives.
  • Challenge peer relations between men that involve hostility or disrespect towards women, and attitudes that relationships between men and women are oppositional, or inevitably based on conflict.
  • Promote positive, equal, and respectful relationships between women and men, girls and boys, in all contexts.
  • Work with children and young people to counter the early development of negative peer relationships and to promote respect and gender equality.